Sunday, February 27, 2011

Meet a Student....Dieulande Chery

This is the first of many blog posts in our "meet a student" series. If you are one of our wonderful donors who help to sponsor student tuition, we hope this gives you a  better glimpse into these sweet children.

Our first student is Dieulande Chery. Dieulande is 6 years old and her favorite thing to do at school is write in her notebook. She likes to play with her doll when she is at home with her Mom, Dad, 3 brothers, and 2 sisters.
P.S. Sorry... the students were super serious about getting their pictures taken!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Meet Our Teachers!

We are so blessed to have a wonderful group of teachers for our 2010-2011 school year that we wanted to introduce them! : )

Julie Arthur (Hometown: Huddleston, VA): Julie is a teacher and missionary who is teaching the children language arts.
Joseph Huberman (Haiti): Joseph is currently teaching Bible, Art, and Music.
Laura Lynn Nichols (Hometown: Waycross, GA): Laura Lynn is the school's on-site administrator and also blesses the school with her nursing skills!
Daniel Pierre (Haiti): Daniel is currently teaching Pre-K.
Doreen Sigman (Brunswick, GA): Doreen is our state-side administrator and coordinator of the teacher education program.
Terrianne Stokes (Hometown: Destin, FL): Terrianne is currently teaching Pre-K.
Watson Noel (Haiti): Watson has been with the Jubilee School since its inception. He is currently teaching Math.

Teachers Julie, Terrianne, Laura Lynn, and 2010 teacher Rachel enjoying a day off!

In the classroom

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Jubilee Organic Cakes (applause, applause)

We get SO much help and support from the most amazing people that Doreen suggested to start blogging about "can you believe it?" donations!
Our first WOW donation(s) is from our friend, Sandra Shelnutt. She is a fabulous organic baker who donates all her proceeds (after ingredients are purchased) to the children of Jubilee. More amazing than her baking skills is the fact that she is so unbelievably generous to donate her time and effort for cakes she could have easily profited from herself. We are so blessed to have her as a supporter.
We would also like to give a big thanks to Tammy Ross who has donated generously of her time to get the school up and running and also linked us with Sandra.
To find out more information regarding the cakes, please click Sandra's website below:

Doreen and I marveled at how she has said "all talents are useful" ... this donation goes to show just that. Who would have believed a baker would be supporting education and food for children in Haiti!


-Sarah Frances

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Lost Boy

The post below was written by the Jubilee School stateside administrator, Doreen Sigman. To me this post epitomizes what the effort to create and sustain the school is all about.
I hope you enjoy the school's blog as it was created as a forum to share experiences, find out about upcoming opportunities to serve the school and donate, inspire, and see a little glimpse into the blessing of these students and their lives.
- Sarah Frances Boshers

Why I Was there....Why WAS I There????

This story begins with a photo taken of a village street. Well, I took the picture because I was the designated photographer for a mission team associated with the First Baptist Church, Brunswick, GA.

2/09: I set out to see what I couldn't read about in a book, to better understand a grander picture, to gain perspective and got my money's worth! We traveled in the back of a pick-up truck five hours from PAP (Port Au Prince Airport) to Gonaives conducting medical and dental clinics along the way. Those five hours compounded backward in sanitation, treatment of children, technology, ways best left for others to examine by their own standard. The destination, the poorest of the poor in the poorest country of the Western Hemisphere, Jubilee Blanc, left the team virtually unable to speak of our experience when we got home. It was there that I took the picture of the village street as it starkly contrasted with the beautiful mountains behind it....but, what I saw when I got home and looked at the picture, was the boy - naked and, essentially, all I had done was come to take his picture. Introspection time.

Meanwhile, Kathy Brooks (co-director of Much Ministries) was headed to Gonavies to stay with Mari and Emory (permanent missionaries to Jubilee Blanc). As Kathy and I share a love of artsy things, I asked her to bring some supplies to Woobens. Woobens is a 24-year old young man who perseveres! The kind of young man who hangs in a tree he gets stuck in for days while trying to go for help during a flood. The kind of young man who learns English, computer skills, and is approaching the 1% mark of Haiti's young people who graduate high school. He is a gifted artist. I wanted to help him help himself. Instead, he sent me back a picture he could have sold  back to me, essentially giving me all he had...talent, wealth, himself. Introspection time.

6/09:  Return to Haiti to find the lost boy from the photo of the village street and to paint with Woobens! I never did find the lost boy, but now know the children of Jubilee Blanc are all lost and all deserve to be found.
We did a Vacation Bible School in the blazing heat, fed the children, and began learning their names. Things change when we know each others' names. Woobens and I painted and Emory and Mari shared their vision of a school in Jubilee Blanc. Suddenly 31 years of teaching, 3 teaching degrees, experience supporting teachers, 10 years of foster parenting and 6 children of my own looked like a vast eternal plan. Ok, that's cool!

9/09 (my third trip in 6 months): I returned for 16 days with curriculum, teaching supplies, and student supplies in hand. Two teachers were hired, a classroom was built, and 30 little ones from Jubilee Blanc started kindergarten. Little blank slates without preconceptions, prior knowledge, crayons, or any idea about what their own faces look like. They made toys from things visitors discarded and are without any comparison for hungry. What a mighty God I serve who would turn hunger for what I could not learn in a book, to books which will deliver a people from hunger.
Jubilee Blanc is not the miserable, desperate place I first took a picture of. It's comfortable and happy - a place of destiny waiting to be fulfilled where everybody knows your name.

- Doreen Sigman

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pre-school Supplies and our March trip to Haiti!

The Jubilee School's state-side administrator, Doreen Sigman, will leading a trip to Haiti from March 27th - April 1st. The school's curriculum and materials have to be carried in by groups from the United States due to the absence of reliable shipping to Haiti and a lack of local resources for appropriate supplies. The group traveling in March will be assisting the effort by bringing in much needed Pre-K supplies.

We are frequently asked about donations, below is a list of what we will need for the upcoming trip!
Items for PreK students: blocks, picture books, good wooden puzzles, money for ABeka PreK materials ( for more information about the Abeka curriculum, click here:, bookbags, water bottles, plastic shelves, washable/durable items for playing house, PE equipment, art supplies... anything you'd see in a PreK classroom!

For more information regarding donation, please email the school at
For email about upcoming trips, curriculum, and teacher resources, please email Doreen at

Thank you for you support!