Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer Update: Looking Ahead to Year 3

Jubilee School was established October 2009 to equip the children of Jubilee Blanc to dream dreams and have the skills needed to make them come true.
As we look to school bells ringing for year 3, it’s a good time to reflect on what we have come to believe about education in Jubilee.  What is going on there?
Foremost, we desire to expose the children to a Christian education aimed to save their souls through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 
Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you”, declare the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  Jubilee School strives to bring the children those things which cannot be taken from them:  knowledge to empower them with problem solving skills and life options.    All we do is as if unto the Lord in a spirit of excellence.
Currently, Laura Lynn, Watson, Julie, Tia and April have answered the call on their hearts to lead 100 children and support staff.  Beginning this year with K3, teachers will follow practices backed by research to present Language Arts (English, French, and Creole), Math, Bible, Art, Music and PE.   Several new classrooms are ready.  This year we will have our first two all day classes.  Three persons will share at-home responsibilities this year:  Doreen, Tammy, and Sarah.  We have also added a facebook connection (Jubilee School), a blog (, brochures and a display board to our tool box.  A sponsorship program for our students is being offered by a non-profit organization, Jubilee Kids.
Jubilee School is sustained by the talents and contributions of volunteers.  All materials within the project are carried by visiting missionary groups from the US in suitcases.  This is a massive undertaking evolving into a wonderful community effort.  Watch facebook for connections across the US:  PA, GA, NE, FL, MO, NJ, ME, VA…
You have blessed the school with two new Xerox machines, blocks for the building, and $6,500 worth of curriculum.  Many have prepared VBS opportunities and tutoring.  Last March, the first team of Teacher Trainers worked with 24 Haitian prospective teachers.  Children have conducted read-a-thons, sent books from their book fairs, sold bricks, and gathered supplies.  High school students have collected money, teacher groups have sent money, school paper was specially printed, ladies have sewn pillowcase dresses, and churches have collected backpacks…. Our hope is that the long-awaited container will soon cross the ocean carrying new desks and chairs!  How beyond any of us is all of this?
The beauty is like a disco ball reflecting each of us as we add our own special light.  Each is essential.  In that it is true that we each bring a piece of ourselves to contribute,  each of our little 12 year investments will a be so much more than a sum total limited by our own skills or preferences.  They will be that and more.  Solid educational practices enriched by all of you along the way.
Here we are, Lord.  Let’s do it again!

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